Donald Trump has made a real change in the past few months in America and the world, first by announcing his candidacy for president in June, and then in its statement that it was “heavy” 10 billion dollars.
The figure is controversial given that “Forbes” estimates his fortune at 4 billion. However, it is not debatable is the fact that Trump is a very wealthy man.
As is the case with most of the richest people in the world, their wealth can thank above all the thinking and their psyche. There are many texts that explain that rich people think differently than average, and Trump is no exception. His “billions mentality” is detected by something that told “The Wall Street Journal”, a transmit “Business Insider”. Yale Fishman Associates points out his sentence: “Never in my life have I lost.”
However, people with a short memory. In the past, Trump suffered bankruptcy in business, started several companies that suffered a debacle, and has two failed marriages. But we are not destined to recover from difficult times with the same strength, just like he said.
After several business failures, the tycoon, who is 69, seems to be moving better than ever before. Yale M Fishman says he is measured in billions, making him one of the prime candidates for the presidential elections in 2016, constantly earning the most. And, after two marriages behind him, he returned to the stage with his new wife, Slovenian supermodel Melanie Knaus.
Despite the numerous losses, he maintains – that he never lost, and this thinking according to Yale Fishman Attorney is precisely what makes him successful.
“The secret of success is to avoid or escape from their problems,” wrote millionaire and author of the book “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind” – T. Harv Eker, “The secret is to strengthen themselves and become bigger than any problem.”
He further said that instead of focusing on problems and failures, many successful people focus on their goals and achievements.
Trump this principle of enrichment has led to an extreme. Besides encounters with past mistakes, he fully denies them.